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Peloton Settings

The Peloton Settings provide settings related to how P2G should fetch workouts from Peloton.

Settings location

Run Method Location
Web UI UI > Settings > Peloton Tab
Windows Exe UI > Settings > Peloton Tab
GitHubAction Config Section in Workflow
Headless (Docker or Console) Config section in configuration.local.json

File Configuration

"Peloton": {
    "Email": "",
    "Password": "peloton",
    "NumWorkoutsToDownload": 1,
    "ExcludeWorkoutTypes": [ "meditation" ]


Console or Docker Headless: Your username and password for Peloton and Garmin Connect are stored in clear text, which is not secure. Please be aware of the risks.

WebUI version 3.3.0+: Credentials are stored encrypted.

Windows Exe version 4.0.0+: Credentials are stored encrypted.

GitHub Actions: Credentials are stored encrypted.

Settings Overview

Field Required Default Description
Email yes null Your Peloton email used to sign in
Password yes null Your Peloton password used to sign in. Note: Does not support \ character in password
NumWorkoutsToDownload no 5 The default number of workouts to download. See choosing number of workouts to download. Set this to 0 if you would like P2G to prompt you each time for a number to download.
ExcludeWorkoutTypes no none An array of workout types that you do not want P2G to download/convert/upload. Read more...

Choosing Number of Workouts To Download

When choosing the number of workouts P2G should download each polling cycle its important to keep your configured Polling Interval in mind. If, for example, your polling interval is set to hourly, then you may want to set NumWorkoutsToDownload to 4 or greater. This ensures if you did four 15min workouts during that hour they would all be captured.

Garmin is capable of rejecting duplicate workouts, so it is safe for P2G to attempt to sync a workout that may have been previously synced.

Exclude Workout Types

If there are Exercise Types that you do not want P2G to sync, then you can specify those in the settings.

Some example use cases include:

  1. You take a wide variety of Peloton classes, including meditation and you want to skip uploading meditation classes.
  2. You want to avoid double-counting activities you already track directly on a Garmin device, such as outdoor running workouts.

The list of valid values are any Exercise Type.