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Enhancements and fixes are always welcome. Feel free to contribute to any of the Issues not already assigned to another person.

Pull Requests

Ensure that your code:

  1. Compiles
  2. Follows established conventions of the codebase
  3. Unit tests have been added and pass
  4. Docs have been updated


  1. Install dotent 6.0 runtime
> dotnet restore
> dotnet build
> dotnet run ./src/ConsoleClient/ConsoleClient.csproj

Package Windows exe

> dotnet publish ./src/ConsoleClient/ConsoleClient.csproj --no-restore -c Release -r win10-x64 -o ./dist --version-suffix local

Developing against garmin-upload python library

  1. Install Python 3 and pip
  2. Set "PythonAndGUploadInstalled": true
> cd peloton-to-garmin
> cd python
> pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile python exe

> cd python
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> pip install pyinstaller
> pyinstaller -n upload --distpath ./ --console --clean --noconfirm

Contribute to the docs

The docs site can be run locally using docker for faster development.

> cd peloton-to-garmin/docs
> docker-compose up

Browse to http://localhost:4000 to see the docs site. The docker container watches for file changes and will hot reload. Some of the navigation links may not work as expected locally, if you see the url change to simply change it to http://localhost/somePage.html and the page will render.