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Docker - Web UI

P2G provides a website user interface. Some key features include:

  1. Configure your settings via a user interface
  2. Trigger a sync from any browser (your computer, your phone, etc.)
  3. Sync service can still run in the background, syncing periodically
  4. OpenApi for custom scripts and workflows

P2G UI Demo


Pre-requisite: You have either docker-compose or Docker Desktop installed

  1. Create a folder named p2g-webui
    1. Inside this folder create docker-compose.yaml
    2. Within this same directory, also create a folder called config
      1. Create two more folders within the config directory: api and webui
      2. Within the api folder, create api.local.json
      3. Within the webui folder, create webui.local.json
  2. Open a terminal in the p2g-webui folder
  3. Run: docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
    1. This will pull the containers and start them up running in the background
    2. You can close the terminal at this time
  4. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8002

Any logs or generated files will be available in the output directory. Additionally, you can learn more about customizing your configuration over in the Configuration Section

To stop P2G

  1. You can use Docker Desktop application to kill the containers
  2. Or, you can open a terminal in the p2g-webui folder
    1. Run: docker-compose down

To update P2G

  1. Open a terminal in the p2g-webui folder
    1. Run: docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d


If you are migrating to the Web UI for the first time you will need to reconfigure most of your settings using the user interface. The only settings that are carried over and still configured via the configuration file are the ones related to Observability.

Open Api

To access the Open API spec for P2G you will need to expose port 8080 on the Api docker container. The open API spec will be available at http://localhost:8001/swagger.