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Format Settings

The Format Settings provide settings related to how workouts should be converted from Peloton.

Settings location

Run Method Location
Web UI UI > Settings > Conversion Tab
Windows Exe UI > Settings > Conversion Tab
GitHubAction Config Section in Workflow
Headless (Docker or Console) Config section in configuration.local.json

File Configuration

"Format": {
    "Fit": true,
    "Json": false,
    "Tcx": false,
    "SaveLocalCopy": false,
    "IncldudeTimeInHRZones": false,
    "IncludeTimeInPowerZones": false,
    "DeviceInfoSettings": { /**(1)!**/ }
    "Cycling": {
      "PreferredLapType": "Class_Targets"
    "Running": {
      "PreferredLapType": "Distance"
    "Rowing": {
      "PreferredLapType": "Class_Segments"
    "Strength": {
      "DefaultSecondsPerRep": 3
    "WorkoutTitleTemplate": "{{PelotonWorkoutTitle}} with {{PelotonInstructorName}}"
  1. Jump to Device Info Settings Documentation

Settings Overview

Field Required Default Description
Fit no false true indicates you wish downloaded workouts to be converted to FIT
Json no false true indicates you wish downloaded workouts to be converted to JSON. This will automatically save a local copy when enabled.
Tcx no false true indicates you wish downloaded workouts to be converted to TCX
SaveLocalCopy no false true will save any converted workouts to the output directory.
IncludeTimeInHRZones no false Only use this if you are unable to configure your Max HR on Garmin Connect. When set to True, P2G will attempt to capture the time spent in each HR Zone per the data returned by Peloton. See understanding P2G provided zones.
IncludePowerInHRZones no false Only use this if you are unable to configure your FTP and Power Zones on Garmin Connect. When set to True, P2G will attempt to capture the time spent in each Power Zone per the data returned by Peloton. See understanding P2G provided zones.
DeviceInfoSettings no null See customizing the Garmin device associated with the workout.
Cycling no null Configuration specific to Cycling workouts.
Cycling.PreferredLapType no Default The preferred lap type to use.
Running no null Configuration specific to Running workouts.
Running.PreferredLapType no Default The preferred lap type to use.
Rowing no null Configuration specific to Rowing workouts.
Rowing.PreferredLapType no Default The preferred lap type to use.
Strength no null Configuration specific to Strength workouts.
Strength.DefaultSecondsPerRep no 3 For exercises that are done for time instead of reps, P2G can estimate how many reps you completed using this value. Ex. If DefaultSecondsPerRep=3 and you do Curls for 15s, P2G will estimate you completed 5 reps.
WorkoutTitleTemplate no {{PelotonWorkoutTitle}} with {{PelotonInstructorName}} Customize the workout title shown in Garmin Connect. Read More...

Understanding P2G Provided Zones


If either custom zone setting is enable it is possible Garmin will not calculate Training Load, Effect, V02 Max, or related fields. Use these settings with caution.

Garmin Connect expects that users have a registered device and they expect users have set up their HR and Power Zones on that device. However, this presents a problem if you either:

  • A) do not have a device capable of tracking Power
  • B) do not have a Garmin device at all.

The most common scenario for Peloton users is scenario A, where they do not own a Power capable Garmin device and therefore are not able to configure their Power Zones in Garmin Connect. If you do not have Power or HR zones configured in Garmin Connect then you are not able to view accurate Time In Zones charts for a given workout.

P2G provides a work around for this by optionally enriching the workout with the Time In Zones data with one caveat: the chart will not display the range value for the zone.

Example Cycling Workout

This is only available when generating and uploading the FIT format.

Customizing the Garmin Device Associated with the workout

Workouts uploaded to Garmin Connect must report what device they were recorded on. The device chosen impacts what additional data fields are calculated and shown by Garmin.

For example, the device a workout is recorded on can impact:

  1. Whether or not the workout will count towards Challenges and Badges
  2. Whether or not Garmin will calculate things like TSS, TE, Load, and VO2 Max

For this reason, P2G provides reasonable defaults to ensure users get the most data possible on their workouts out of the box.

If you choose to customize what devices are used by P2G you can do that either via the ui or via config file.

P2G Default Devices

Exercise Type Default Device Used
Default Forerunner 945
Cycling Taxc Training App Windows
Rowing Epix

Configuring Device Info via the UI

Under Settings > Conversion > Advanced > Device Info Settings you can see which devices will be used for each Exercise Type. You can modify this list to suit your needs.

The None Exercise Type serves as a global default used for any Exercise Type not configured.

Learn more about finding Device Info to use.

Configuring Device Info via Config File

This config section allows you to specificy a Device per Exercise Type. The None Exercise Type serves as a global default used for any Exercise Type not configured.

Learn more about finding Device Info to use.

"DeviceInfoSettings": {
        "none": {
          "name": "Forerunner 945",
          "unitId": 1,
          "productID": 3113,
          "manufacturerId": 1,
          "version": {
            "versionMajor": 19,
            "versionMinor": 2.0,
            "buildMajor": 0,
            "buildMinor": 0.0
        "cycling": {
          "name": "TacxTrainingAppWin",
          "unitId": 1,
          "productID": 20533,
          "manufacturerId": 89,
          "version": {
            "versionMajor": 1,
            "versionMinor": 30.0,
            "buildMajor": 0,
            "buildMinor": 0.0
        "rowing": {
          "name": "Epix",
          "unitId": 3413684246,
          "productID": 3943,
          "manufacturerId": 1,
          "version": {
            "versionMajor": 10,
            "versionMinor": 43.0,
            "buildMajor": 0,
            "buildMinor": 0.0

Discovering Garmin Devices

You can find the Device Information for any previous workouts you have uploaded by following the below steps:

  1. Get your Garmin current device info
    1. Log on to Garmin connect and find an activity you recorded with your device
    2. In the upper right hand corner of the activity, click the gear icon and choose Export to TCX
    3. A TCX file will be downloaded to your computer
  2. Find the TCX file you downloaded in part 1 and open it in any text editor.
    1. Use ctrl-f (cmd-f on mac) to find the <Creator section in the file, it will look similar to the sample device info below.
  3. Use the values found in this section to Configure your custom device in P2G either via config file or the ui
  <Name>Garmin Sample Device - please create from exported TCX file</Name>

Lap Types

P2G supports several different strategies for creating Laps in Garmin Connect. If a certain strategy is not available P2G will attempt to fallback to a different strategy. You can override this behavior by specifying your preferred Lap type in the config. When PreferredLapType is set, P2G will first attempt to generate your preferred type and then fall back to the default behavior if it is unable to. By default P2G will:

  1. First try to create laps based on Class_Targets
  2. Then try to create laps based on Class_Segments
  3. Finally fallback to create laps based on Distance
Strategy Config Value Description
Class Targets Class_Targets If the Peloton data includes Target Cadence information, then laps will be created to match any time the Target Cadence changed. You must use this strategy if you want the Target Cadence to show up in Garmin on the Cadence chart.
Class Segments Class_Segments If the Peloton data includes Class Segment information, then laps will be created to match each segment: Warm Up, Cycling, Weights, Cool Down, etc.
Distance Distance P2G will caclulate Laps based on distance for each 1mi, 1km, or 500m (for Row only) based on your distance setting in Peloton.

Workout Title Templating

P2G allows some limited customization of the title that will be used on the workout imported to Garmin.

By default the title is structured like:

10min HITT Ride with Ally Love

Customizing the Title

Title customization is provided via "templating", which allows you to provide a template that P2G should follow when constructing a workout title. The specific templating syntax P2G supports is Handlebars.

The below data fields are available for use in the template:

  • PelotonWorkoutTitle - Peloton provides this usually in the form of "10 min HITT Ride"
  • PelotonInstructorName - Peloton provides this as the full instructors name: "Ally Love"

These can be used to build a template like so:

{{PelotonWorkoutTitle}}{{#if PelotonInstructorName}} with {{PelotonInstructorName}}{{/if}}

The above template will always start with the Peloton workout title. IF the workout has Instructor information, then the template will add with Instructor after the workout title.

Some characters are not allowed to be used in the workout titles. If you use an unsupported character then it will automatically be replaced with a dash (-).

Additionally, Garmin has a limit on how long a title will be. If the title exceeds this limit (~45 characters) then the title will be truncated.


For this setting to take effect, your Garmin Connect account must be set to allow custom workout names. In the Garmin Connect web interface click on the user icon in the top right, select Account Settings then Display Preferences (shortcut). Change the Activity Name setting to Workout Name (when available). This will allow the custom workout name to sync, and should still allow the standard behavior when syncing non-P2G activities directly.