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If you are encountering a problem, here are some resources that may help you.

Discussion Forum

Search the Discussion Forum to see if your topic has already been discussed before. Take note that the search bar lets you filter by open and closed discussions, it is beneficial to check both.

Have a question? Need help with something?

The Discussion Forum is the best place to post. When posting please ensure you are providing the right details.


Bugs, feature requests, and more often get tracked in the Issues tab in Github. This is also a great place to search for information. Particularly important issues that impact many people will usually be pinned and highly visible. Take note that the search bar lets you filter by open and closed issues, it is beneficial to check both.

Have a feature idea? Encountered a bug?

Creating a new Issue is the best place to post. When posting please ensure you are providing the right details.

Providing the right details

P2G can be run in a variety of different ways and its difficult for people to provide help if they have to guess about your particular setup. When asking for help, or logging a bug, please be sure to include the below information at a minimum for the most effective help:

  1. How are you running P2G? In other words, which install mtehod did you choose when you setup P2G?
  2. What version of P2G are you running?
  3. A copy of the log files that were generated, ideally the entire log file, not just the part where you see an error. See Finding logs.

Finding logs

Headless / Docker Headless

The log files will be written to output/log<datetime>.txt.

Windows UI / Web UI

Naviate to the About page, then click the Logs tab. Additionally, the log files will be written to output/log<datetime>.txt.

GitHub Actions

If your forked repository is public, then you can simply provide a link to the repository and people can view the necessary logs from there. If your repository is private then to find the logs for a given run:

  1. Go to your copy of the repository
  2. Select the Actions tab, along the top left of the view
  3. Click the very first `Sync workflow`` item to open up that workflow
  4. In the left hand menu, under Jobs click sync
  5. Finally, expand the item that says Run /app/PelotonToGarminConsole
  6. Share the logs from this view

Finding version

Version information is always written as the first thing in the log file. Additionally, on a UI version of P2G you can find the version information on the About page.