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Json Config File

Based on your installation method, configuration may be provided via a configuration.local.json or it may be done via the user interface. In the below documentation you will see the information for both the JSON config file, and the Web UI.

By default, P2G looks for a file named configuration.local.json in the same directory where the program is run.

The config file is written in JSON and supports hot-reload for all fields except the following:

  1. App.PollingintervalSeconds
  2. Observability Section

The config file is organized into the below sections.

Section Platforms Description
Api Config Web UI This section provides global settings for the P2G Api.
WebUI Config Web UI This section provides global settings for the P2G Web UI.
App Config Headless This section provides global settings for the P2G application.
Format Config Headless This section provides settings related to conversions and what formats should be created/saved.
Peloton Config Headless This section provides settings related to fetching workouts from Peloton.
Garmin Config Headless This section provides settings related to uploading workouts to Garmin.
Observability Config All This section provides settings related to Metrics, Logs, and Traces for monitoring purposes.

Api Config

If you aren't running the Web UI version of P2G you can ignore this section.

This section lives in webui.local.json.

 "Api": {
      "HostUrl": "http://p2g-api:8080"
Field Required Default UI Setting Location Description
HostUrl yes null none The host and port for the Web UI to communicate with the Api.

Advanced usage

Typically this section is only needed in the webui.local.json so that the Web UI knows where to find the running Api. However, if you have a unique setup and need to modify the Host and Port the Api binds to, then you can also provide this config section in the api.local.json.

 "Api": {
      "HostUrl": "http://*:8080"
Field Required Default UI Setting Location Description
HostUrl no http://localhost:8080 none The host and port the Api should bind to and listen on.

WebUI Config

If you aren't running the Web UI version of P2G you can ignore this section.

You can provide this config section in the webui.local.json.

 "WebUI": {
      "HostUrl": "http://*:8080"
Field Required Default UI Setting Location Description
HostUrl no http://localhost:8080 none The host and port the WebUI should bind to and listen on.

App Config

This section provides global settings for the P2G application.

 "App": {
    "EnablePolling": true,
    "PollingIntervalSeconds": 86400,
    "CheckForUpdates": true
Field Required Default UI Setting Location Description
EnablePolling no true App Tab true if you wish P2G to run continuously and poll Peloton for new workouts.
PollingIntervalSeconds no 86400 App Tab The polling interval in seconds determines how frequently P2G should check for new workouts. Be warned, that setting this to a frequency of hourly or less may get you flagged by Peloton as a bad actor and they may reset your password. The default is set to Daily.
CheckForUpdates no true App Tab true if P2G should check for updates and write a log message if a new release is available. If using the UI this message will display there as well.

Format Config

This section provides settings related to conversions and what formats should be created/saved. P2G supports converting Peloton workouts into a variety of different formats. P2G also lets you choose whether or not you wish to save a local copy when the conversion is completed. This can be useful if you wish to backup your workouts or upload them manually to a different service other than Garmin.

"Format": {
    "Fit": true,
    "Json": false,
    "Tcx": false,
    "SaveLocalCopy": false,
    "IncldudeTimeInHRZones": false,
    "IncludeTimeInPowerZones": false,
    "DeviceInfoPath": "./deviceInfo.xml",
    "Cycling": {
      "PreferredLapType": "Class_Targets"
    "Running": {
      "PreferredLapType": "Distance"
    "Rowing": {
      "PreferredLapType": "Class_Segments"
    "Strength": {
      "DefaultSecondsPerRep": 3
Field Required Default UI Setting Location Description
Fit no false Conversion Tab true indicates you wish downloaded workouts to be converted to FIT
Json no false Conversion Tab true indicates you wish downloaded workouts to be converted to JSON. This will automatically save a local copy when enabled.
Tcx no false Conversion Tab true indicates you wish downloaded workouts to be converted to TCX
SaveLocalCopy no false Conversion > Advanced true will save any converted workouts to your specified OutputDirectory
IncludeTimeInHRZones no false Conversion > Advanced Only use this if you are unable to configure your Max HR on Garmin Connect. When set to True, P2G will attempt to capture the time spent in each HR Zone per the data returned by Peloton. See understanding custom zones.
IncludePowerInHRZones no false Conversion > Advanced Only use this if you are unable to configure your FTP and Power Zones on Garmin Connect. When set to True, P2G will attempt to capture the time spent in each Power Zone per the data returned by Peloton. See understanding custom zones.
DeviceInfoPath no null Conversion > Advanced The path to your deviceInfo.xml file. See providing device info
Cycling no null none Configuration specific to Cycling workouts.
Cycling.PreferredLapType no Default Conversion Tab The preferred lap type to use.
Running no null none Configuration specific to Running workouts.
Running.PreferredLapType no Default Conversion Tab The preferred lap type to use.
Rowing no null none Configuration specific to Rowing workouts.
Rowing.PreferredLapType no Default Conversion Tab The preferred lap type to use.
Strength no null Conversion Tab Configuration specific to Strength workouts.
Strength.DefaultSecondsPerRep no 3 Conversion Tab For exercises that are done for time instead of reps, P2G can estimate how many reps you completed using this value. Ex. If DefaultSecondsPerRep=3 and you do Curls for 15s, P2G will estimate you completed 5 reps.

Understanding Custom Zones

Garmin Connect expects that users have a registered device and they expect users have set up their HR and Power Zones on that device. However, this presents a problem if you either A) do not have a device capable of tracking Power or B) do not have a Garmin device at all.

The most common scenario for Peloton users is A, where they do not own a Power capable Garmin device and therefore are not able to configure their Power Zones in Garmin Connect. If you do not have Power or HR zones configured in Garmin Connect then you are not able to view accurate Time In Zones charts for a given workout.

P2G provides a work around for this by optionally enriching the workout with the Time In Zones data with one caveat: the chart will not display the range value for the zone.

Example Cycling Workout

This is only available when generating and uploading the FIT format.

Custom Device Info

By default, P2G using a custom device when converting and upload workouts. This device information is needed in order to count your Peloton workouts towards Challenges and Badges on Garmin. However, you may observe on Garmin Connect that your Peloton workouts will show a device image that does not match your personal device.

If you choose, you can provide P2G with your personal Device Info which will cause the Garmin workout to show the correct to device. Note, this is completely optional and is only for cosmetic preference, your workout will be converted, uploaded, and counted towards challenges regardless of whether this matches your personal device.

See configuring device info for detailed steps on how to create your deviceInfo.xml.

Lap Types

P2G supports several different strategies for creating Laps in Garmin Connect. If a certain strategy is not available P2G will attempt to fallback to a different strategy. You can override this behavior by specifying your preferred Lap type in the config. When PreferredLapType is set, P2G will first attempt to generate your preferred type and then fall back to the default behavior if it is unable to. By default P2G will:

  1. First try to create laps based on Class_Targets
  2. Then try to create laps based on Class_Segments
  3. Finally fallback to create laps based on Distance
Strategy Config Value Description
Class Targets Class_Targets If the Peloton data includes Target Cadence information, then laps will be created to match any time the Target Cadence changed. You must use this strategy if you want the Target Cadence to show up in Garmin on the Cadence chart.
Class Segments Class_Segments If the Peloton data includes Class Segment information, then laps will be created to match each segment: Warm Up, Cycling, Weights, Cool Down, etc.
Distance Distance P2G will caclulate Laps based on distance for each 1mi, 1km, or 500m (for Row only) based on your distance setting in Peloton.

Peloton Config

This section provides settings related to fetching workouts from Peloton.

"Peloton": {
    "Email": "",
    "Password": "peloton",
    "NumWorkoutsToDownload": 1,
    "ExcludeWorkoutTypes": [ "meditation" ]


Console or Docker Headless: Your username and password for Peloton and Garmin Connect are stored in clear text, which is not secure. Please be aware of the risks.

WebUI version 3.3.0: Credentials are stored encrypted.

GitHub Actions: Credentials are stored encrypted.

Field Required Default UI Setting Location Description
Email yes null Peloton Tab Your Peloton email used to sign in
Password yes null Peloton Tab Your Peloton password used to sign in
NumWorkoutsToDownload no 5 Peloton Tab The default number of workouts to download. See choosing number of workouts to download. Set this to 0 if you would like P2G to prompt you each time for a number to download.
ExcludeWorkoutTypes no none Peloton Tab A comma separated list of workout types that you do not want P2G to download/convert/upload. See example use cases below.

Choosing Number of Workouts To Download

When choosing the number of workouts P2G should download each polling cycle its important to keep your configured PollingInterval in mind. If, for example, your polling interval is set to hourly, then you may want to set NumWorkoutsToDownload to 4 or greater. This ensures if you did four 15min workouts during that hour they would all be captured.

Exclude Workout Types

Example use cases:

  1. You take a wide variety of Peloton classes, including meditation and you want to skip uploading meditation classes.
  2. You want to avoid double-counting activities you already track directly on a Garmin device, such as outdoor running workouts.

The available values are:


Garmin Config

This section provides settings related to uploading workouts to Garmin.

"Garmin": {
    "Email": "",
    "Password": "garmin",
    "TwoStepVerificationEnabled": false,
    "Upload": false,
    "FormatToUpload": "fit"


Console or Docker Headless: Your username and password for Peloton and Garmin Connect are stored in clear text, which is not secure. Please be aware of the risks.

WebUI version 3.3.0: Credentials are stored encrypted.

GitHub Actions: Credentials are stored encrypted.

Field Required Default UI Setting Location Description
Email yes - if Upload=true null Garmin Tab Your Garmin email used to sign in
Password yes - if Upload=true null Garmin Tab Your Garmin password used to sign in
TwoStepVerificationEnabled no false Garmin Tab Whether or not your Garmin account is protected by Two Step Verification
Upload no false Garmin Tab true indicates you wish downloaded workouts to be automatically uploaded to Garmin for you.
FormatToUpload no fit Garmin Tab > Advanced Valid values are fit or tcx. Ensure the format you specify here is also enabled in your Format config

Observability Config

P2G supports publishing OpenTelemetry Metrics, Logs, and Trace. This section provides settings related to those pillars.

The Observability config section contains three main sub-sections:

  1. Prometheus - Metrics
  2. Jaeger - Traces
  3. Serilog - Logs
"Observability": {

    "Prometheus": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Port": 4000

    "Jaeger": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "AgentHost": "localhost",
      "AgentPort": 6831

    "Serilog": {
      "Using": [ "Serilog.Sinks.Console", "Serilog.Sinks.File" ],
      "MinimumLevel": "Information",
      "WriteTo": [
        { "Name": "Console" },
          "Name": "File",
          "Args": {
            "path": "./output/log.txt",
            "rollingInterval": "Day",
            "retainedFileCountLimit": 7

Prometheus Config

"Prometheus": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Port": 4000
Field Required Default Description
Enabled no false Whether or not to expose metrics. Metrics will be available at http://localhost:{port}/metrics
Port no 80 The port the metrics endpoint should be served on. Only valid for Console mode, not Api/WebUI

If you are using Docker, ensure you have exposed the port from your container.

Example Prometheus scraper config

- job_name: 'p2g'
    scrape_interval: 60s
      - targets: [<p2gIPaddress>:<p2gPort>]
      insecure_skip_verify: true

Jaeger Config

"Jaeger": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "AgentHost": "localhost",
      "AgentPort": 6831
Field Required Default Description
Enabled no false Whether or not to generate traces.
AgentHost yes - if Enalbed=true null The host address for your trace collector.
AgentPort yes - if Enabled=true null The port for your trace collector.

Serilog Config

"Serilog": {
      "Using": [ "Serilog.Sinks.Console", "Serilog.Sinks.File", "Serilog.Sinks.Grafana.Loki" ],
      "MinimumLevel": {
        "Default": "Information",
        "Override": {
          "Microsoft": "Error",
          "System": "Error"
      "WriteTo": [
        { "Name": "Console" },
          "Name": "File",
          "Args": {
            "path": "./output/log.txt",
            "rollingInterval": "Day",
            "retainedFileCountLimit": 7
          "Name": "GrafanaLoki",
          "Args": {
            "uri": "",
            "textFormatter": "Serilog.Sinks.Grafana.Loki.LokiJsonTextFormatter, Serilog.Sinks.Grafana.Loki",
            "labels": [
                "key": "app",
                "value": "p2g"
Field Required Default Description
Using no null A list of sinks you would like use. The valid sinks are listed in the examplea above.
MinimumLevel no null The minimum level to write. [Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Fatal]
WriteTo no null Additional config for various sinks you are writing to.

More detailed information about configuring Logging can be found on the Serilog Config Repo.