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Garmin Settngs

This Garmin Settings provide settings related to uploading workouts to Garmin.

Settings location

Run Method Location
Web UI UI > Settings > Garmin Tab
Windows Exe UI > Settings > Garmin Tab
GitHubAction Config Section in Workflow
Headless (Docker or Console) Config section in configuration.local.json

File Configuration

"Garmin": {
    "Email": "",
    "Password": "garmin",
    "TwoStepVerificationEnabled": false,
    "Upload": false,
    "FormatToUpload": "fit"


Console or Docker Headless: Your username and password for Peloton and Garmin Connect are stored in clear text, which is not secure. Please be aware of the risks.

WebUI version 3.3.0+: Credentials are stored encrypted.

Windows Exe version 4.0.0+: Credentials are stored encrypted.

GitHub Actions: Credentials are stored encrypted.

Settings Overview

Field Required Default UI Setting Location Description
Email yes - if Upload=true null Garmin Tab Your Garmin email used to sign in.
Password yes - if Upload=true null Garmin Tab Your Garmin password used to sign in. Note: Does not support \ character in password
TwoStepVerificationEnabled no false Garmin Tab Whether or not your Garmin account is protected by Two Step Verification
Upload no false Garmin Tab true indicates you wish downloaded Peloton workouts to be uploaded to Garmin Connect.
FormatToUpload no fit Garmin Tab > Advanced Valid values are fit or tcx. Ensure the format you specify here is also enabled in your Format config